Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Gleek, tank tops, and hairy ice cream

Have you ever had one of those days where you are so totally disillusioned with your life that you can’t even manage the simplest of tasks? Like you’re at work and your spreadsheet is one penny off and instead of searching for the penny difference you declare a major FAIL on your part and give up, and then you yawn and gleek all over your desk but you don’t even realize it until you stick your elbow in it and wonder why it’s all wet, and then you remember that you haven’t taken your meds yet which has likely contributed to your outlook for the day so you go ahead and take your pill and but it gets lodged in your head somewhere between your nose and mouth and you can’t get it to go down or come back out either way so you start wishing you were at home eating ice cream and watching Roseanne reruns while lounging on your couch in a wife beater and underwear because even though the air conditioner works it doesn’t cool down the house enough because it’s poorly insulated and has crappy windows and it’s 103 degrees outside, and the discovery of a random hair in your first bite of ice cream is the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back and sends you over the edge even though the whole ice cream/Roseanne/wife beater scenario was a fantasy you were creating to distract you from the penny you’re missing in your spreadsheet and the gleek on your desk?

Well have you?

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